Thursday, September 24, 2009

Fair Day at Last!

Our kids asked several times a day, all during the fair when "Fair Day" was. What they were really asking was, "when do we get to buy dizzy passes and ride all the rides our stomachs can handle"?
They LOVE rides...all 3 of them!
Raymond is tall enough to go on all the midway rides, but before heading out with his dad to do that, he spent some time in Sillyville with the rest of us. There are still rides here that he enjoys!
Our school takes the entire day off to attend the fair, so we saw several people we knew. We met up with the Minges for awhile so Addison and Riley could do some rides together. They are always so cute, whatever they are doing! We were all happy to see that Riley really enjoyed all the rides!
Zachary loves to "fly", so any ride that goes up in the air is great with him, especially of it has a gun attached to it!
We rode rides from 11am until about 8pm with a few breaks now and then for food. Addison turned into a little demon at about 3pm (2 hours past her normal naptime) and the more we tried to get her to sleep, the crabbier she seemed to be. Finally, I quit trying and gave her some M &Ms and once she finished eating them, she crashed! Who would have guess...

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