Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Valentine for my sweet

I know, I know... long time since Valentines day, but I'm a bit behind. I had actually forgotten that I had taken these pictures... and there are several more that I am not putting here, but you can look at on our dropshots site... but it made me laugh because I was guilty of the same crime for many, many years growing up.

My dear old dad always bought mom this amazing, enormous box of chocolates for Valentines Day. I love chocolate, but have not always appreciated every filling. So, I'd inconspicuously (or so I thought) bite the corners off - returning those I didn't like and thoroughly enjoying those I did. I just didn't see what the problem was... now that it is my box of chocolates, I'm not so keen on the sharing and returning! My folks always said we'd be paid back in spades for the things we did growing up... I guess this is all part of it!

Monday, March 2, 2009

It seems that time is just whizzing by me. I keep meaning to sit down to blog but either don't have the time when something worth saying is on my mind or don't have anything to record when I do have the time.

A few quick, noteworthy things:
  • I passed my commercial drivers license test so I can now drive a bus on field trips for school!
  • Kevin is testing with different police departments - more as we know
  • Raymond finally got a 100% on his weekly spelling test AND memory verse - which warrented a guinea pig (more when I get pics)
  • Zachary is finally getting over some crazy flu bug (after several days of way high temps -103.5 and some vomiting
  • Addison is learning to use her cute little smile to get out of trouble
  • I sewed my very first little girls dress and LOVED it!

There... all caught up - I'll post more on each of these soon (I hope!)