Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Meet Bailey

We bought a new puppy from our school auction last spring. The litter hadn't been born yet, so we've been anxiously awaiting our new arrival since then. Once the puppies were born, we visited the litter several times, trying to decide which puppy should be ours. We finally decided on a very cute tri-colored female.

She's an English Setter, which are great bird dogs. Kevin would love to train her to bird hunt and they are supposed to be great family dogs. She is very affectionate and playful, which the kids love! I doubt she'll be hurting for attention, with our three.
Addison is especially interested in holding and cuddling her so we have to keep a close eye on both of them!
The chickens frequently get into our backyard and their first encounter was an interesting one. I don't think the chicken was very intimidated! Since then, they've learned a bit more respect. Bailey likes to chase them... Maybe that'll help keep them out of the yard!
We are all looking forward to having a new puppy, although it's already proved to be a lot of work!
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Friday, July 9, 2010

Pool Party

We've had some amazing weather this past week, with temperatures in the upper 80s and a day or two in the 90s, so our pool has had plenty of opportunity to warm up. Since Kevin had the boys out our church's annual Father/Son camping trip, Addison and I invited some of her friends over for a pool party!
This is Riley, with him mom and new baby brother Lincoln. Baby wasn't too sure about the water, just yet, but Riley sure was having a good time!
Addison loves the water and it was extra fun to play with friends in the pool.
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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Pool's Up

Our long awaited and much anticipated summer weather has FINALLY arrived. We were beginning to wonder if it was January or July! The pool was set up last night, but only half filled before bed so we had to let it finish filling today.
The boys were so excited to finally get to swim...I don't think they realized how cold well-water can be! Their entrances were both rather hesitant...
But once they got in, Raymond said it wasn't too bad. It was a hot day, so I'm sure it felt good to cool off, but I wasn't getting in there, yet!
Maybe after a few more 90+ days, it'll be warm enough for me! Until then, they boys will have it all to themselves!
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Monday, July 5, 2010

Independence Day

We met up with some friends in the very small town of Roy this year to celebrate Independence Day. The main attraction to this "venue" was the opportunity to light off our own fireworks while we waited for the show. The whole town comes out and lines up along the railroad tracks to do the same. You not only get to see your fireworks, but everyone elses, too.

The kids had a great time with their sparklers and a roman candle or two. Kevin and Raymond did most of the "work" while I sat and visited with friends and watch the two little ones run amook.

When it was finally time for the town's firework display, we all found our seats and enjoyed the show. For a small town, it was pretty impressive (unlike my photographs!)

Friday, July 2, 2010

Seattle Museums

We headed up to Seattle yesterday to take advantage of their free Thursday Museums... I brought along a couple of my favorite students, who also happen to be sisters, to help me keep track of the kids and Raymond invited his friend Jeremy to come along, so we had a carload! Our first stop wasn't a museum at all, but Volunteer Park. We decided to wait to explore this until after we'd hit the museum.
The Asian Art Museum is part of SAM and located right there in Volunteer Park. I gave Raymond the camera for most of our tour and he had fun taking pictures.
When we came out, I noticed a piece of artwork, I think it was called Black Sun or something Sun... anyway, I realized you could see the Space Needle through the opening if you stood at the correct angle. I'm sure this was by design, but I thought it was pretty neat!

Next was an old water tower. Raymond and Jeremy counted the steps up to the top and there were 108, not counting the steps up to the doorway... I'm so out of shape that my legs felt wobbly-weak when we came back down!
After that jaunt, we decided it was a good time to stop for lunch, so we found the play area and had a picnic. 
The kids really enjoyed being able to run around and play (after being on their 'best' behavior in the museum) for awhile. In fact, they really didn't want to leave!

Before we left Volunteer Park, I thought it would be a good idea to find the restrooms and make a pit stop.  The Conservatory was along our way, so we decided to peek in there and I think it was my favorite stop all day! 
 For such a small area, it was absolutely packed with the most gorgeous and interesting plants.  I really enjoyed looking at all of them and I know Raymond enjoyed photographing them!

Next stop...Sculpture Park...
The artwork was interesting and the kids enjoyed just being outside.
Of course, Seattle is full of really fantastic views and the Space Needle is always one that I look forward to seeing.  Our final destination was The Seattle Art Museum.  I'd never been inside so was interested in seeing what they had.  Raymond, of course, took pictures of his favorites!

On our way home, we stopped for Chinese food and everyone, including me, was exhausted!  We had a very busy, very fun day.