Saturday, May 18, 2013

Lazy Day

Kevin and the oldest boy are off playing paintball as part of Raymond's birthday week, so the two younger ones and I are spending a lazy day at home in our jammies!  After a cup of coffee, our first order of business is a few board games.  I may or may not try and get a load of laundry underway, but I'm definitely planning to enjoy an afternoon free of any external obligations.
With summer vacation just around the corner, I've already started thinking and planning for days like this.  I know...keeping a calendar over the summer seems like some kind of oxymoron, but it's not!  Truly!  My kids LOVE having a "plan" and look forward to whatever it is we've got going.  Traditionally, I've tried to consistently do the same type of thing for each day of the week and that is my game plan this summer, too.  I've tweaked some of the categories, but I think it's gonna work.  Besides all the fun stuff, I've also thought about a few basic things, like cooking and cleaning that I'd like to spend time teaching my kids.  But, for's just the 3 of us, some snacks and some board games!

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