Monday, November 16, 2009

Coyote no more

Okay, before all you animal rights activists get up in arms about this, let me just say that this coyote killed several of our chickens and was about to feast on some more when my husband finally got a clear shot at him.

The perimeter of our 5 acres is completely fenced in and we also have several pasture areas and our backyard fenced as well. This guy was right outside our backyard fence and if my kids had been swining on the swingset, it would have been about 3 feet from them. No thanks... shoot away baby!

We've been trying to get him for several months (and several chickens) and I've even taken a couple of shots, but Kevin got him on the first try this time. I'm okay with it being dead, but I didn't want to watch it die, so I waited inside while Kevin took a very anxious and excited Raymond out to "take care" of it. Raymond was full of questions and wanted to see in it's mouth, so Kevin obliged. I was somewhat surprised at how clean its teeth looked. Anyway... we are thankful to have it gone.
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1 comment:

  1. You do what you have to do to keep your family and farm safe. We have a few coyotes and wolves hanging around here too.
