Friday, June 25, 2010

Staying Home

As busy as our summer days always seem to be, and as fun as it can be to pack every last bit of entertainment into our schedules, it's nice (and necessary!) to "plan" a day to just stay home. For my kids, this usually means getting to sleep in and stay in pajamas late into the morning and sometimes past lunch! The whole day is relatively unstructures and we just do...well...whatever we want!

Today, Raymond went off to work with Kevin and Zachary and Addison had a day all to themselves. Funny how well any 2 of them can play together! After a late breakfast, we brought out the train tracks and played at this until lunch. Addison still needs help getting the pieces to connect, but she's perfectly happy to drive on tracks that Zachary has put together. I normally help out with the corners and trying to get the ends to eventually connect. Zach's favorite thing is the bridge and that is always where he starts!
On days we sleep in, I usually let both kids skip naps, so after lunch we finally got out of our pajamas and headed outside to try our hands at a little artwork on the patio. The weather here has been mostly overcast, with frequent rain. Even by Washington standards, it's been a wet summer so far, so we take every opportunity to head outdoors that we can. The kids love to be outside and we can hardly wait for warmer weather, then we can justify putting the pool up!

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