Monday, August 24, 2009

The fruits of my labor

I am very excited about my first (hopefully) successful attempt at canning this year. As I mentioned in a previous blog, we recently drove to Yakima to check out some fruit stands and ended up bringing 5 boxes of various fruit home with us. I was really looking for peaches (which we bought plenty of) but there were also some plums, apricots and apples that looked pretty appetizing, so we got them, too. It was all quite a learning experience and after the nectarine fiasco, this endeavour was certainly more productive!

I still have plenty of fresh fruit that needs to be eaten or canned soon, but so far, I have: 6 quarts of peaches (3 I spiced), 6 pints of apricots, 7 jars of nectarine jam (not too confident with this) and 6 jars of apricot jam that looks pretty good. On the advice of a lady from church, I also tried drying some fruit in our convection oven. It turned out so-so... maybe not dried enough? and I didn't do anything to stop the browning process, so it's an ugly color, but it doesn't taste too bad. I fed it to my 8th grade math students and nobody's died yet! Now to find a guinea pig for the jam!

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