Several months ago some friends asked us if Zachary could be the ring bearer in their son's wedding. I immediately thought about my mom's wedding when Zachary refused to hold the pillow or even stand still for a picture (he was only two) and then more recently at Jessica and Derek's wedding photos when he wouldn't get close enough to poor Jess to even look like he was with the wedding party, not to mention a constant pout look instead of the smile we were hoping for.
Nevertheless, he's a cutie and who could resist trying to get him into a little mini tux? Thankfully, he was game this go round and we have some great pictures to prove it. It was a long and gruelling day (pics at 12:30 for a 3pm wedding and more pictures after the ceremony)... he stayed relatively still during the 30 minute ceremony... well, a couple of fidgets and some squinty-eyed looks and a nose pick or two... he was the highlight of the wedding! or at least the comic relief. Let's hope he looks this hansom on HIS wedding day!
He is adorable! What a cute smile :)