This happened some time ago, but I thougth it was worth sharing...
One of the struggles of parenthood is deciding whether or not to cancel plans based on a child's potential illness. On the morning of our planned departure to Seaside, Oregon, Addison woke up with a fever. Do we cancel? No,we decide to pack her up and head south. After all, a sick baby at home is the same as a sick baby on the road, right? Not exactly! Poor baby fussed much of the way there, so my mom finally drove and I sat in the back seat with her. Once there - we thought we were in the clear, but I think she missed her bed because she was up constantly both nights... and frequently hot and miserable. On the second night, Zach fell out of the bed once and Raymond had an accident so they all eventually ended up in bed with me! No problem, I wasn't sleeping anyway! Are you laughing at me yet? Just wait! Our stay was actually quite nice, so when Addison woke up the morning we were to leave, we held our breath. No worries, she was in a pretty good mood, so we thought the drive home would be uneventful. Zachy thought otherwise! First of all, he was tired from the previous nights fall from grace, or I mean bed!... and the ensuing meltdown so he was crabby to say the least. So, when he started bawling just as we started over the bridge from Oregon to Washington, I got a little upset with him and threatened to pull the car over and spank him if he didn't stop. Well, he stopped - right after he threw up all over the back seat! For a minute, I thought there might be a chain reaction (did I mention I was already car sick from an attempt to retrieve a pacifier from the floor of the back seat, while on a very windy road). We finally got a cross the bridge and found a gas station to stop at and try and "clean up"... yes, that's in quotes because there really is no cleaning up after such an episode. It was a stinky drive, the rest of the way home. Just to be safe, we moved Zach up, next to Addison, so Raymond wouldn't have to smell him all the way in the back - yes we did change his clothes, but it just wasn't coming out of the hair so easily... and my little angel boy, that little Zach Attach waited until we were on 176th street, almost home, and he erupted again - so that makes two (or 2.5 actually) seats that are now in need of a serious cleaning. Maybe if I can get Kevin to drive my van, he'll agree that I need to get that interior detailed. I've been hoping to have it done for awhile, anyway. It really was a good trip - minus the going and the coming - and my dear mother was most helpful and cheerful through it all, bless her heart.