I remember growing up being somewhat of a klutz. In fact, my dad always called me "Grace". I always thought my boys would be more accident prone, especially our little Zach Attack. But it seems that our sweet baby girl has inherited that particular trait. Coincidentally, we named her Addison Grace! - like mother, like daughter! Seriously, this girl is one tough cookie! I could go on and on about the many times she's gotten hurt and just sort of looked at us with that little distressed look -for about half a second -and went right on playing. Since she has been mobile, she has managed to hurt herself way more than either of my boys did at this age. Let me share 2 of the biggies. Well, one biggie and one somewhat smaller, but still significant to mommy.
While on vacation several weeks ago, she brought a glass table top down on her chubby little hand. Now, before getting all worked up and calling CPS, unless I had been following her step by step, it couldn't have been stopped. She pulled herself up onto one of those unstable, round, patio tables and somehow managed to dislodge the glass on top and all but slice he
r right ring finger off just below the nail bed. Kevin thought I was over reacting until we took a close look at it and realized what we were seeing was the bottom of the nail... you know, the part normally under the skin... so off the the ER we go and several shots (guess who got to hold her down!) of anesthetic and several stitches later, she was bandaged practically to her elbow. Oh, did I mention she managed to break it and the nurse tried to tape a splint on, but she kept pulling it off - hence the overkill on the tape job. Poor kid - tough to crawl with a soft cast on your hand! She's a trooper though and managed nicely. 6 weeks later, it is looking relatively good - note: relatively. I'm still not convinced it is ever going to look normal, but Kevin seems to think it will.
What prompted me to write is the more recent event, which has confirmed the fact that my girl is going to be less a girlie girl and more of a rough and tumbler. She's already getting in the middle of wrestle-day with the boys, but that's a story of it's own...As I mentioned, she is walking, albeit, somewhat precariously... well, in her little, jammy covered feet, she doesn't have great traction.
In an apparent effort to come visit me in the kitchen, I can only imagine (I had my back turned until I heard a sickening thud) she slipped and whacked her head right on the corner of the island. Oh, baby girl!! I have never seen a "bump" grow so quickly or turn quite that shade of blue. She looked like Frankenstein! - so I panicked. I was sure she must have a concussion. Sure that her eyes were too dilated... but Kevin was right this time, I over reacted. In minutes, with some help from an animal ice pack that somebody gave us years ago and I never thought I'd use... the swelling came down, but that beautiful shade of blue stayed for a day and is currently the biggest, uglies bruise I ever hope to see on my sweet baby girl again.
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