Our church held a carnival on Halloween and we, of course, took our kids. They had been promised candy and candy they got. Along the perimeter of the gym were several different carnival games. The boys loved it, Addison was not quite as impressed. What
did impress her was the fact that anyone (and everyone) would give her candy if she merely approached them. I opened the first candy she got and started stashing the rest in her bag, waiting until she seemed like she was ready for more. It never happened. That first candy was a blue lolipop which she toted around the remainder of the evening. She didn't put it down, not even once - although I think it was probably stuck to her hand 10 minutes in. I took a gazillion pictures of my sweet baby girl and thought I'd share
and of course the pictures of all the loot... Addison decided to belly flop in it!

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