It's hard to believe another school year is already at an end. This concludes my 7th year teaching at Bethel Baptist Christian school and as with most ends, begs for some reflection. I had the pleasure of teaching the seniors in Government and Economics this year. Usually, my classes only cover 7th - 9th graders but I thoroughly enjoyed spending some time with these upperclassmen. What a great group of kids! As I looked around the room at each of them and we played Catch Phrase during our last session together, I couldn't help but wonder what, if any, impact I had on each of their lives. As a teacher, kids come through my doors and I know it is my job to teach them what needs to be taught...this year, mostly math. But as a teacher at a Christian school, my teaching spreads further into their lives and includes standards and how to apply Bible teaching to your life as well as the designated subject matter. I know I can teach math and I like to think I do a fair job at it, but I am at a loss as to whether or not any of the "other" teaching has worked its way into their hearts. I have struggled somewhat with this throughout this week, knowing my time to influence these few has come to an end. What has my influence been? I don't want to be their hardest teacher, or strictest or funniest, or even their favorite...I just want to make a difference.
This morning, before leaving for school, I asked my husband, "You need me, don't you? I make a difference in our home, right?" I know, sounded just as ridiculous coming out of my mouth then as it does typing it now. I followed it up by voicing the same concern about making a difference and he reminded me of something I think I occasionally loose sight of when I walk in these school doors (yes, I'm at school now). I am the difference in our home...I will forever influence my own children and so I need to make a conscious decision to turn my attention and my need to be needed toward those I know will embrace it. My sweet baby girl is graduating from Kindergarten tomorrow and my oldest is entering the youth department on Sunday as he heads into this next phase of his life. They both need me and I know my little Zach Attack, tender hearted as he is, will always need his mom. When I think of these three and my amazing husband, my heart overflows.
I do hope and pray that I make a difference in each life that walks through my classroom doors. I hope I can teach them and reach through to them and leave a lasting impression, but if not...I'll have to be okay with that, too.
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