Max died today and I cried. Seems as if I've been doing a lot of crying over animals of late. The price of living on a farm, I guess. I looked for quite awhile to find pictures of him and much to my dismay, I didn't have many. Why do we take so many pictures of pets when they are small and cute and not so many as they get older? I do have some "puppy" pictures of Max, but it was so long ago that they aren't digital! He would have been 14 years old in October...a long life for a lab-mix. Kevin got max from the Clarksville, TN Humane Society when he was just 6 weeks old. He was part of our lives before we got married, before we had children...he has been our sole obsession as well as one pet among dozens. We have had many, many pets over the years but Max has always been a constant. An obedient companion and a fierce protector. The UPS guy has been known to just drop the package over the gate because Max looked so ferocious. We never believed he could be so intimidating until we pulled up one day in a car he didn't recognize...WOW!

At any rate, Kevin and Raymond dug a hole tonight after church and we unceremoniously buried him. It's the first pet I can remember burying. Our kids took it pretty hard, especially Zachary...lots of tears. Funny how attached we can become to an animal, especially one that has truly become part of our family. We have promised them new animals, perhaps someday in the future; but for now, I'm not really up for it. Max was such a good dog, there will not be another like him and he will be mourned and missed.
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