"In every thing, give thanks"
1 Thessalonians 5:18 |
It's been a rough week and today is the last day of my summer vacation. I was feeling a bit bummed, so I decided to head outside with a cup of coffee and my laptop and enjoy the quiet of the morning on the patio swing while I try and get things into perspective. As I closed my eyes to the sun shining in my face, I could hear the goats head butting each other as they play, a cow mooing for grain, a variety of birds chirping and the rooster crowing from the front yard. Mixed in was an occasional tingle of wind chimes as the breeze picks up...I absolutely love these sounds! Each one reminds me that I am HOME. It's still quiet in the house and I know my three precious children are still asleep, snuggled together in the living room after a night of movies and popcorn. The house is a wreck after many busy days and little motivation to clean, but we are blessed to have it, mess and all. There is laundry to be done and dishes to wash, but that means we have clothes to wear and food to eat. Tomorrow I go back to work. I will miss all the free time with my kids that I enjoy over the summer, but at least I'm going back to a job I love...one where I get to see my kids throughout the day while I am doing God's work. My life IS good...God is good. When things seem a bit dismal and I feel myself struggling hard to gain positive ground, it really does help to stop and count my blessings. There are, after all, so many!