Friday, October 30, 2009

Time Flies

Just wanted to quickly update our goings-on since last post. Time, as usual, is flying by and we are already at the end of October, the first quarter of the school year is over and Christmas seems just around the corner. I love this time of year, but the busyness of it always wipes us out. However, I'd have it no other way!

I've taken two groups of students to two different pumpkin patches over the last few weeks and had a ball both times. Kevin was able to go the last time, when Addison and Zachary's classes went and I'll try and post some of those pictures soon.

In the mean time... swine flu, croup and something called Fifths disease has all hit our school this past month. Luckily only a handful were affected in each case and our family drew the Fifths disease straw. To find more info on this click here. My joints and hands and feet were all swollen and painful for about a week and I couldn't figure out what the problem was, then when my kids displayed the rash, I figured it was a reaction to a change in detergent. Someone at school took their children in (with the same rash) and tested positive for Fifths disease. It's viral, so nothing we can do but wait it out.

Raymond still has the rash on his arms, but no other problems (thankfully, no fever or itching),but Addison had the rash, it went away and last night she came down with a high fever (103.5 through the night). Needless to say, I'm home with her today and after 2 doses of Motrin, her fever came down to about 100, which is were it is now. She's happy to sit on the couch and watch Baby Einstein for awhile and I'm hoping to get some much needed housework done, but she can be (understandably) whiny and demanding at times, so we'll see how much I actually get accomplished today! I'll post pumpkin patch pics soon.


  1. What a coincidence--we just went through Fifth's Disease too :( Not very fun at all. Hope everyone feels better soon!

  2. Glad everyone is on the mend! We are too. I am going to quit drawing straws, you'd better too! Hehehe:)
