Well, today is the first official day of summer vacation and our unseasonably hot weather has returned to the normal, overcast/mid-60s... go figure! Oh well. It will give me a chance to cross some of those cleaning projects off of my list. My plan is to tackle one room each day - well, not consecutive days, but designated cleaning days. Today I am moving at a snails pace and enjoying the prospect of not having to be any particular place or have any particular agenda accomplished. I am trying to get my weeks worth of laundry put away so I can see our coffee table again, but beyond that, Zach and Addison and I have just been hanging out. They are napping now and I am actually at a loss as to what to do with myself. And being in a bit of a lazy rut at the moment, I may just do nothing! Kevin is working very long days trying to get the church auditorium finished, so he's pretty much out of the picture for entertainment purposes the next few days. Ho hum... maybe I'll take a nap too!
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