Saturday's are usually busy for us. We spend the mornings cleaning and recovering from the past five days of constant arrivals and departures, which inevitably reek havoc in our home. I also try and get laundry done and clothes ironed. Today was one such day - the kids were busy cleaning their room/playing and I had just taken another load of clothes out of the dryer and had every intention of returning immediately to move the clothes from the washer into the dryer. I got sidetracked, which is a common occurrence and then realized I didn't know where Addison was. I called for her and started looking through the rooms. She's a bit of an escape artist. Now that she knows how to open doors, nothing is safe! Raymond hadn't seen her, so I sent him looking, as well. A few minutes later, he called from the laundry room for me to come and look. At first I was irritated, but when I saw what he had discovered, I was tickled beyond belief! There she sat with grapes in had, enjoying her snack in the comfort of the dryer.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
What now?
I was busy helping a student with algebra when Zachary declared that he had to use the bathroom. Again, not an issue; the bathroom is literally right outside my classroom door, so I sent him on his way. (He's done this before) Several minutes later, I'm deep into a math problem and hear comes my oh so precocious (except when it comes to using the facilities) 3 year old... pants and underwear down around his ankles and toilet paper in hand. I caught a few astonished glances in our direction as I hastily pulled Zach all the way into my room and shut the door. What now? He had brought the TP out of necessity but hadn't gotten around to using it yet (need I say more?) Do I wipe here or haul him back to the bathroom, with his pants still down. ...because if I pull them up...
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Prayer for our Nation
Heavenly Father, we come before you today to ask your forgiveness and to seek your direction and guidance. We know Your Word says, 'Woe to those who call evil good,' but that is exactly what we have done. We have lost our spiritual equilibrium and reversed our values. We have exploited the poor and called it the lottery. We have rewarded laziness and called it welfare. We have killed our unborn and called it choice. We have shot abortionists and called it justifiable. We have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self esteem. We have abused power and called it politics. We have coveted our neighbor's possessions and called it ambition. We have polluted the air with profanity and pornography and called it freedom of expression. We have ridiculed the time-honored values of our forefathers and called it enlightenment. Search us, Oh God, and know our hearts today; cleanse us from every sin and Set us free. Amen!'
According to ERumor , this prayer has recently been circulated siting Billy Graham as the author. This prayer was not from Billy Graham but rather from a minister named Joe Wright who offered it in front of the Kansas State House in 1996. Regardless of who said it, the words still ring true for me.
According to ERumor , this prayer has recently been circulated siting Billy Graham as the author. This prayer was not from Billy Graham but rather from a minister named Joe Wright who offered it in front of the Kansas State House in 1996. Regardless of who said it, the words still ring true for me.
How blue are you?
GOoooooooo Spirit Week!

So, we had GO Crazy to start the week and somehow I didn't get any pictures... Nor did I get pictures of Go Green Day but here are a couple of Go Team Day. My children were forced to support our teams. Raymond was happy to wear Kevin's Maze and Blue, Zachary less excited about my Huskies (0-7) and Addison, cute as every, supported the Detroit Lions. Actually, I think Zach took issue with the elastic at the bottom of his warmup pants more than the color, but who knows. Thursday was Go West day and that was probably my favorite. The last picture, for those unfamiliar with our school,is of our fearless leader, Tim Minge and his wife Denise. Spirit week is always so much fun, or at least shopping for it was, but it is also somewhat of a relief to return to our normal clothes and actually be able to run errands on my break!
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