Saturday, March 30, 2013

More baby animals

Our cat has been getting rather fat lately.  Now, I'd never say that to a pregnant woman, but we had our suspicions this was the case.  We just had no way of knowing when, exactly, she had become "in the family way."  She is a mostly outdoor cat, coming into our garage when she she's fit to eat, sleep or catch mice.   We didn't give it a second thought when we didn't see her out and about on her morning adventures today. 
Not until I moved a box in the garage and saw her looking up at me with babies nestled all around her!
She had them in sort of an odd place in the garage, so we moved them (and her) to a box with a pillow and blanket so she'd be more comfortable.

There are 5 and we'd only like to keep 2, so if anyone is interested...they are mighty cute!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Chicks and Dogs

One of our hens recently sat on eggs and we ended up with 9 new chicks!  The kids think they are great and our St. Bernard thinks they are even better :)
She'll sit outside their pen all day, if we let her...

Just sit...and watch...

I'm not sure what is more fun...watching the chicks scramble around, or watching Sam watch them with such intense curiosity.  It reminds me a little of Lennie in Of Mice and Men.  Not saying Samantha is slow, she's actually quite smart, but she does have that lumbering, "do-da-do" kind of disposition and she really would "love" those chicks if she had half a chance!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Checking in

So much for New Years resolutions...I've never been great at keeping them anyway!  It seems that life somehow manages to get in the way.  When I am away from a computer, I think of a million things I'd like to write about but when I have an extra bit of time and settle in behind my keyboard,  I inevitably just check facebook and email a hundred times then scroll through Pinterest and a couple of other websites I like but never manage to settle into writing something myself.  Then, I get behind...maybe a day or two and then it becomes week and now I see that the last post I made was over a month ago.  I don't know how to "catch-up" so I just don't.  My solution to that is going to be to just jump in and start writing here goes!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Don Quixote

Several years ago we picked up a flyer of the top 100 classics from the library.  Kevin has been alternating between this list of classics and lighter reading.  The classics turn was up so I asked him what book he wanted me to pick up from the library...his choices were Don Quixote and Moby Dick so I went looking for both.  I've never read Don Quixote myslef, but I found it and brought it home, leaving it on the dining room table for Kevin to find before his evening reading.  Raymond picked it up and started reading...continuing to read until dinner.
The next morning, we head out to school and I look over at Raymond and he's brought the book along to read in the car and when he has time at school!  Now, granted, Ray does like to read but I wasn't quite expecting he'd be interested in something by Cervantes! I sure hope he stays engaged and is able to finish it.  He is apparently intrigued with a a man that goes crazy because of reading...hmmm