It's been awhile since I posted. I guess we are just busy with life...the kids are back into somewhat of a routine after Christmas break and growing, growing, growing... time to move to the next size up for all three of them! I saw Raymond darting to the bathroom in his skivvies the other night and realized just how skinny that kid really is. Certainly not for lack of eating. Kevin says he was the same way growing up. We both think Ray will be taller than his dad one of these days. I just can't believe that that is my baby, when I look at him. A few more months and he'll be 8. Zachary has finally found his voice and has no trouble using it. He frequently gives his "opinion" in matters and has coined a few phrases that we hear frequently. "Raymond, stop teasing me" is a favorite as is "you stop that this minute". Both funny, in that he is simply repeating what he has heard... Addison is coming into her own, as well. She has what we affectionately term an "Addie-tude", complete with the Rau pouty lip. I posted some photos of her in her glory awhile ago. She's something else and I can't get enough of her daddy simply stating, "she's beautiful, isn't she?!" Not that he's really asking...