We had the best time at pumpkin patches this year. Fall is my favorite season and it wouldn't be the same without going to a pumpkin patch or two. The first day, the weather was beautiful and Kevin was at a football game so the kids and I decided to take a drive up to visit Grannie and Grandpa Bob. When we got there, Grannie had found a website that lists pumpkin patches and related info for every state! http://www.pumpkinpatchesandmore.org/ An amazing site with lots of great links. Anyway, we decided to try the Thomasson Family Farm pumpkin patch in Enumclaw. It was fabulous! We had so much fun and there was a ton for the kids to do. I think their favorite (where ever we go) is the corn box. There is just something about it they love. Raymond was especially excited because Grandpa Bob took him through the "big" maze. The next week, Kevin took us to Maris Farms. We've been there before, but they had a lot more to offer this year. Next time, we'll have to go a little earlier in the day so we have time to check it all out. Enjoy the pics!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Back to reality
I have no idea how many people look at this blog or if any of those that do noticed a significant decrease in activity. Decreased to 'nonexistant' I should say. It's not that I didn't have anything to say - I always do! but having returned to work, it is all I can do to keep some semblance of order in our home. But, alas, here we are at the end of the first quarter of school already and I feel like I am just now getting things a bit under control. Don't be fooled, though. Even as I write, the laundry is piled high, waiting to be put away, and the ironing even higher. The floors need to be mopped and the furniture dusted and yet here I type. But if we don't take a moment out of our busy schedules to smell those roses, when will we? As the holidays quickly approach (one month til Thanksgiving and 2 until Christmas?!) time will only become more scarce and I will try and remind myself, as I always must, to slow down and enjoy it... appreciate it for what it is - time with family and friends. Did I mention I am taking my kids to the pumpkin patch tomorrow and leaving all that house work undone?
The stroller incident

So, my sweet baby girl (see blog dated July 28th) is prone to misfortune-usually of her own doing. She is quite mobile now and her favorite pass time is climbing. She has, in fact, made it to Raymond's top bunk without being noticed. Don't ask... so to crawl into the basket of a stroller? No problem. Not her best trick, but it will do when she is bored at the park. Actually, she is always quite proud of herself, regardless of the difficulty of the feat. This last picture is the one I snapped right before she face planted on the ground. Will she ever learn?

I started typing this blog some time ago, but as life would have it, got busy and haven't posted in forever. So, here it is
Monday, October 20, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Zachary
His birthday was August 20th... I know, I know... 2 months late! we did celebrate on time ;o)
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