Some time ago we weighted the pros and cons of having cable television (or television at all) in our home and seriously began to toy with the idea of cancelling our Directv and returning our beloved Tivo. In a move that still surprises me, my sports junkie husband decided we could do without it all. I don't know if he realized what he was getting into! No more ESPN, no more Monday Night Football, no more televised sports!
When we told Raymond, (7)who knew what was on TV at our house, he said, "Yah, no more football or basketball!" (We'd been watching a lot due to the road to the Final Four.) I had to laugh and personally, I haven't missed it at all. Oh, I miss listening to the news in the morning while I make breakfast and clean up the great room and I miss some of the programs that we use to watch in the evenings, but TV has never been my thing. As a family, we are all adjusting just fine. It certainly has freed up time to spend together. We watch movies together or play board games or just sit quietly and read. We recently subscribed to Blockbuster online and are watching the A Team season one.
This morning, I was doing the dishes and Raymond was sitting at the counter playing with his toys (a one time, he would have been watching cartoons) and I asked him, "Ray, do you miss not having TV?"
"No," he said. To which I replied, "I thought maybe you'd miss watching cartoons." "Ah, mom" he said, "I didn't even think about it until you just said that!"
Besides, now I have more time to blog!