Thursday, August 21, 2008

Expect the expected

There is something about kids and water that always make me smile. Maybe it's because, when they are together, it's typically a bright sunny "feel good" kinda day. My kids and this summer were no exception. There was no end to my desire to capture just the right picture while my kids frolicked in the sun. Thankfully, we have a digital camera because there was a time when I would have shot all 24 exposures on a roll of 35mm film, gotten doubles printed and crossed my fingers and hoped that some of them would turn out. And now my camera has a little "video" options that I've just recently started making use of (and love!) Here is a little clip of Zachary helping Raymond to a drink of water. There is no surprise, but it's still funny!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Couch potato

As I sat on the floor last night, eating popcorn and watching the A-Team, first one child and then another and finally all three where on or very near me. I couldn't help but think, when did I become a piece of furniture to be sat on, climbed on, hung from? I love my children and I thoroughly enjoy playing on the floor with them, but at some point I had had enough, so I retreated to the couch - and so did they. It became a game and when I finally reconciled to the fact that it was "play time" I gave up being annoyed. After all, there will come a day when they will no longer willingly sit by me and all the coaxing in the world will not get them into my lap. I better enjoy it will it lasts!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Take pity

I'm new to this world of blogging, but generally enjoy the opportunity to express myself- I'm a word person and apparently like to hear myself talk, or so Kevin says. I also read other blogs and have notice that most have at least the occasional comment left. I, too, have left comments. But alas, there have been none posted on my site. Take pity, if you read this - could you leave me a comment?!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Sleepless nights

I don't recall the last time I actually slept through the night. It's been several years, I'm sure. Even on the rare occasion when I am "childless" through the night, it seems that my body still feels the need to wake up and be sure all is well. Then there are nights like last night when the kids are sick: wanting a drink, throwing it up, fever, chills - you name it... added to the "usual routine", last night seemed to never end.

My usual routine consists of feeding Addison and putting her down by 8pm and the boys follow by 9. By the time I actually turn off the bedside light after reading myself into drowsiness, it's close to 11pm. The dogs inevitably wake me between 2 and 3 and want outside. I am seriously considering doing this before bed... anyway, Addison wakes once or twice looking for her pacifier and then she's up around 5 am to eat, then back to sleep for all of us (with any luck) until 6:30 when the alarm goes off. By my calculations, I never get more than 2-3 hours of consecutive sleep! When does this end?

So it is now 10am and thankfully a Saturday because I am still sitting in my pajamas, waiting for Addison to take her morning nap so I can take a shower and try and revive. Zachary has thrown up 2 more times since his first episode at around 11pm last night and is near comatose on the couch, watching Robots for the 3rd time today. His whining is understandably at an all time high, poor kid! Perhaps we'll get through a fourth viewing of Robots more uneventfully.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Addison is One!

Addison Grace turned One. We thougth we'd do something simple... so we invited a few of her friend and had a little party. As usual, she had to be the center of attention. I laughed so hard when we tried to get this picture. It took all 5 moms to try and keep everyone sitting up and in line, and of course, it was my little monster that ruined (or made!) the shot. Gotta love her spunk. The next several years should be interesting as we watch her personality develop. My odds are on her being a handful - mostly because she already is...

Of course, she had to have the obligatiory first birtday cake. I wish I could say, as we could for Raymond, that this was the first time she had sugar, but it wasn't. As I'm sure anyone who has more than one child can attest to, it is difficult to follow through on every intention as you did with the first. No sugar with Raymond until his first birthday... some accidental samplings (and sneaks by Grannie) with Zachary and no pretense at all with Addison. I think someone gave her her first cookie when she was about 6 months old! Oh well, we apparently become more lax with each one - better stop now!!
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Saturday, August 2, 2008

No more network

Some time ago we weighted the pros and cons of having cable television (or television at all) in our home and seriously began to toy with the idea of cancelling our Directv and returning our beloved Tivo. In a move that still surprises me, my sports junkie husband decided we could do without it all. I don't know if he realized what he was getting into! No more ESPN, no more Monday Night Football, no more televised sports!

When we told Raymond, (7)who knew what was on TV at our house, he said, "Yah, no more football or basketball!" (We'd been watching a lot due to the road to the Final Four.) I had to laugh and personally, I haven't missed it at all. Oh, I miss listening to the news in the morning while I make breakfast and clean up the great room and I miss some of the programs that we use to watch in the evenings, but TV has never been my thing. As a family, we are all adjusting just fine. It certainly has freed up time to spend together. We watch movies together or play board games or just sit quietly and read. We recently subscribed to Blockbuster online and are watching the A Team season one.

This morning, I was doing the dishes and Raymond was sitting at the counter playing with his toys (a one time, he would have been watching cartoons) and I asked him, "Ray, do you miss not having TV?"
"No," he said. To which I replied, "I thought maybe you'd miss watching cartoons." "Ah, mom" he said, "I didn't even think about it until you just said that!"

Besides, now I have more time to blog!